Why you *really* hate Twitter

• If you’re not on Twitter, you don’t really need to read this. Read this instead, about why Twitter matters even if you’re not on it, or just leave a comment at the bottom of this one telling me that you’re not on Twitter and therefore don’t care. Matt Lewis, a writer for The Daily…

Why the fight against cancer is no blitzkrieg

[ooyala id=”huNWN1ODrgBqqQfnVj4i0WIuVnB1gnTO” ] From Wednesday’s paper: The battle against this stubborn disease is like trench warfare, but progress is being made Cancer is a success story. On one level, that’s obvious: thanks to advancements in treatment, many common cancers are no longer the death sentence they were even a few decades ago. Eighty-five per cent…

Is this the start of a ‘mini ice age’? A physicist writes

A few people asked me to respond to Boris Johnson’s column on Monday about whether the snowy weather is “the start of a mini ice age”. I didn’t, but Prof Joanna Haigh of Imperial College did on our letters page, so I thought it was worth publicising more widely: I’m delighted that the Mayor maintains…

Spare Neanderthals this modern freak show

From Tuesday’s paper: Twenty thousand years separate us from our prehistoric relations – let’s keep it that way Our late cousins, the Neanderthals, continue to fascinate us, 20 millennia after the last ones died out. It is unsettling to think that another species of human, another sapient being, like us and yet not us, shared…