Making smoking illegal would be the worst idea ever

As we’ve seen in the war on drugs, the best way to stop people taking things that are bad for them is definitely to make that thing illegal. After all, no one smokes marijuana any more. And you just can’t get cocaine or MDMA or heroin for love nor money these days. And certainly an…

A nostalgic paean to the A-10 Warthog: ugly, brutal, and reprieved

I have a funny relationship with the world’s military, and specifically with military aircraft. On the one hand, there’s something uncomfortable about the fetishisation of machines of death. It’s one thing acknowledging that we need to be able to defend ourselves, but the tools we use to do it, you feel, should be just that,…

Jeremy Hunt: ‘12,000 unnecessary NHS deaths a year’. Is that a lot?

Apparently, at a Press Gallery lunch earlier today, Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, said that there were 12,000 “unnecessary deaths” in the NHS every year. My only source for this is our correspondent Christopher Hope, who was at the lunch, and tweeted it – I haven’t yet seen any news stories based on it. So…

Why it pays to be narcissistic

Tony Blair has been accused of it; Charles Saatchi has admitted it. But is it really a problem that some people fall in love with themselves, asks Tom Chivers Narcissus was a beautiful youth. So beautiful that a nymph, a spirit-creature, fell in love with him; when he rejected her, Nemesis, the goddess of retribution,…

The apps that will save your life – or not

[ooyala id=”d1MDk1bjprxpwYNQdbMU4nGD97ASNlyD” ] Health and fitness is the new growth area for reward-driven apps, but do they actually work? One of the favourite words of the smartphone era is “gamification”. Computer games entice players with a series of small rewards, little pats on the head, whenever some arbitrary goal is reached; and this creates a…