Why you’re going to carry on getting receipts, Jack

Do you know why food companies give out receipts? M’colleague Jack Rivlin is furious that he keeps getting given them in train stations and supermarkets. “When I buy a snack, I don’t need a receipt! Stop forcing these useless scraps of paper at me,” he grumbles: “Honestly, you can’t pay for anything without someone forcing…

If you don’t put a case on your iPhone, you’re an idiot

Sorry, this is a bit niche, but I just wanted to quickly respond to something I read on Mashable. It is this: Buying a beautiful iPhone and putting a case on it is like buying a piece of art, putting it on your wall, and then putting a sheet over it so it doesn’t get…

Weathering St Jude’s storm: tips for working from home

I actually made it into work this morning, despite St Jude’s Biblical storm wreaking havoc on the nation’s wheelie bins and patio furniture. In fact, I have a history of this: years ago, in the Great Snow Day of 2009, I was one of about four people who made it into thelondonpaper’s Wapping offices, trudging…

Russell Brand, unnecessary revolutionary

Did you see Russell Brand on Newsnight last night? Watch the video above if you didn’t. He is, if nothing else, compelling viewing. And I agree with him about Jeremy Paxman’s beard. He worries me, though. Partly he worries me because he’s got a large part of the political and media class captivated by his…

It’s about to get exciting in the search for life as we know it

By the time you read this, the number of planets found outside our solar system may have hit the 1,000 mark: a historic landmark in astronomy. Or it might not. It depends on who you ask: the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia claims, at the time of writing, 999; Nasa admits to just above 900. However you count them,…

Who is the England player? Trial by Twitter in an age of hysteria

Who is the England player? It is, apparently, all anyone wants to know. After the whole silly business with Roy Hodgson yesterday (he told a joke about “space monkeys” which was taken to be racist), Twitter and the wider web have started hunting around for the leak: the player who told a journalist at the…